Saturday, May 30, 2009

things that make you go HMMMMMM.........

I have no idea what this is... and I am debating on pulling it out !!! does it look like a weed to you ?


This was soo cute and different I had to get it but I dont want it there around the tree anymore.!!!

and again...........

around the tree again...

around the tree

the tree

The view as you walk out of the house.!!

Phlox, Geraniums, and the Geranium sanguineum...

Dont you think the tree would look much nicer with all teh Geranium Sanguineum.. the one with the purple flowers all arond it ?

The Front Tree

This is the view you have when you walk by my home.

There is Phlox, geraniums, and Geranium Sanguineum, Armeria,